A great escape these days is to seek the outdoors. While taking the necessary precautions, enjoying nature is the one thing we feel keeps us sane at the moment. Fresh air, silence, and space should be cherished and pursued to maintain a clear mind. This will only bolster our fundamentals to undertake the challenges ahead. We want to introduce you to a concept that has evolved with Norwegian culture for centuries.


Friluftsliv is a state of mind, not an activity, nor a competition. It embodies the values of what nature gives in return. A sense of detachment from the daily grind that empowers and re-energizes us to enable longevity and stability in our lives. Friluftsliv, regardless of activity, is simply being in harmony with nature. What many find hard to believe is that there is no direct English translation for the word “Friluftsliv”. The closest we get is “outdoors”, which in many ways captures it. The whole purpose of friluftsliv is found outdoors—though, the particular activity in which you perform friluftsliv is irrelevant. Friluftsliv is the sense of freedom that the great outdoors triggers, it enables you to build perspective, understanding, and motivation. There are no prices, no rankings no guidelines. You are free to define Friluftsliv for yourself, and it can be found in close proximity to your home. 


Roald Amundsen, the legacy and inspiration of Amundsen Sports has taught us many lessons. Roald was a true pioneer of defining Friluftsliv. His curiosity and appreciation for nature led him to the South Pole and the discovery of the Northwest-Passage, Roald took Friluftsliv to extremes. His successes are rooted in his understanding and appreciation of nature. Instead of fighting against it, he learned to live in harmony with it, by simply surrendering to the fact that nature is larger than all of us. 

Friluftsliv sets the groundwork for our concept of “Play Well,” which is our guiding philosophy at Amundsen, as we want to remind everyone to never lose their inner child. If there were ever a time to remember the lessons of Friluftsliv— with an overhanging global pandemic—it would be right now. Times of crisis give us a reality check, breaking our comforts and forcing us to worship what is really important. Materialistic goods become irrelevant; well-being becomes paramount. 

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