TEXT; lavalan | PHOTOS; Lavalan
Up until the turn of the millennium we mainly used wool from overseas, until we decided to process only regional wool from the year 2000 onwards in order to develop attractive and high quality products.
Since then we obtain our wool locally from Germany, Switzerland or Norway amongst others. The raw material travels short routes and all processing takes place only in Europe. Sustainable value creation is our highest priority. We try to protect the environment as much as possible by producing minimal waste and we place a strong emphasis on recyclable and compostable processing techniques. We consistently follow our philosophy‚ from sheep to shop and back’.
Before naturally grown virgin wool turns into product, it has to undergo several production steps:
Each year we buy an increasing volume from specialised Norwegian Wool traders. After collection the wool needs to undergo extensive quality control at over 20 collection points, where it is categorized into white or brown pure colored wool, mixed colored wool or mixed quality wool. The sheep farmers get paid weight and quality of the wool promptly after evaluation. At the collection point the wool gets pressed into round bales and then transported by lorry to specificly selected wool scouring factories, such as TRAITEX. This company is according to our knowledge, the only GOTS certified enterprise of its kind and uses solar panels for its energy needs.
After washing, the wool will be processed in various ways. We develop and manufacture products directly at our factory in South Germany or supply the raw material to our regional partners. Highest standards in functioning and design are the primary focus in the production of the most diverse end products.
This is how for our products as diverse as building insulation, carpets, acoustic panels, mattress fleece or modern functional wear insulations are created of Norwegian wool.