On Dirt Roads Through Botswana_______________________
#6 Muchenje, On the Namibian Border – 7:00PM
Our daily routine have certainly started to stick as we are ready to attack the day at 5:30AM. The distance travelled so far have given us unique experiences in a widely nature-diverse area, and the mornings are something you don’t want to miss.
As the temperature chill’s during the night, the mornings are crispy and gives our surroundings that special morning glare.
We had breakfast by the fire as we discussed the day ahead. In this area we know there’s an abundance of wild animals and the hope’s are high to get a good sighting. Regardless of animal sightings, the country of Botswana is worth visiting anyhow. The true beauty of this land is remarkable, especially for us simple Norwegians.
Postcard: Morning coffee by the fireÂ
Now that we have travelled for 6 days we are starting to add some wear and tear to our clothing. Our boots are constantly in use as none of us brought a spare. We felt confident travelling down here after the experience we had last year when walking our Mountain Muck back to Oslo for Montebelluna, Italy.
The craftsmanship out of the Monte Sport factory in Italy is unparalleled and we are thrilled with the first week of our Safari Muck experience. Check out our Boot Page to learn more about the Safari Mucks.
Postcard:Â The Safari Mucks
After breakfast we felt the need for exercise and what better than a classic Biathlon race on sand. The stage was set with wooden skis from Rønning Ski’s and shooting challenges with our local slingshots. The youngsters of Trygve and JC were set to challenge the Oldboys of Erik and Jørgen.
Postcard: Jørgen chasing down JC. Trygve capturing the action!Â
Trygve and Erik took themselves to the final after beating their challengers of JC and Jørgen. The final was a tight battle from start to end before but Erik managed to escape with only one penalty loop and gained a gap to Trygve that he kept until the finish line.
Postcard:Â Erik celebrating as the worthy winner
After catching our breath we packed up our camp in Savuti and was ready to hit the road again. Today we are heading further into Chobe National Park and end our day in Muchenje along the Chobe River. Stay tuned for our next post!
Muchenje (Red sand and endless roads)
#5 Savuti (Blog Post #5)Â
(Photo finish between Jørgen & JC!)