Welcome to our new Brand Store in Oslo, Norway. A 19th century «home» now provides a residence for our company & everyone that wants to stop by. Our old-time friend and ski bum Kristian Møkleby (aka Møkle) accompanied by the eccentric craftsman Zdenko Tudor – have transformed a classic but sterile floor into something above and beyond our initial expectations.
Through the use of wood from a 70-year-old dock, metal stained with green patina from a 100-year-old roof, oak flooring from a dumpster at Briskeby, used furniture and carpets from finn.no, and shelves made of abandoned Corian material from a shoe shop – our brand store plays on the key essence of re-use and long-lasting materials. Numerous hours and late nights have gone into curating the end-result.

When we heard that the first floor in this iconic and charming villa was available, we knew instantly this had to be the new home for Amundsen Oslo. When we are going to build a store, we approach it the same way as when we do our field adventures – as little planning as possible in advance and let it all happen as we go. This is where we find the magic and the creative solutions – solutions we would have missed if it had been planned in advance.
To create this unpredictable magic, we called our old friend Møkle and asked if he would come and have a look and see if he could make our thoughts for a brand store a reality. When he said yes, he brought his friend, Zdenko to ensure the best craftsmanship.

The Amundsen Brand Store was made over three months of increasingly intense work, but we had an absolute blast the whole way through. With a mix of nostalgia and creativity, almost everything you see in our store comes from reused materials. We have searched most of Oslo to bring a new life to furniture and building materials and together they have created an atmosphere we are insanely proud of. This store is meant to be a hybrid between brand store and club house, where you can stop by for trying out our products or have a chat with us behind the brand. We can’t wait to see you, welcome in.

Location: Underhaugsveien 28,
0354 Oslo, Norway
Mon – Wed, Friday: 10am – 7pm
Thursday: 10am – 8pm
Saturday: 11am – 5pm